Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What we have been up to...

A month ago I planted some sunflower seeds in different parts of the yard - but they have only started to grow in one area. I have been taking pictures as they grow because...well because that is what I do. And yes, Jeff laughed at me every time I dragged him outside to showcase the half inch my plants had grown.. :)

I even planted some flowers in the pots I had laying about - not looking forward to moving all those in July...

My sis Marianne and her family stayed with us for a few days - days that ended up being gray/cold/windy so we roasted marsh mellows at the fireplace.

For mom's day, my Mom and Dad were over for the weekend. Mom made her own cake, a lavender-lemon concoction that was awesome!
(We made it snow sugar...)

I also made a few hats for Jasmine's twin girls. I forgot to photograph the other more to go...

Last weekend we went to Volunteer park on Capital Hill. We made the hike up to the top of the water tower for the fabulous views of Seattle.

And lastly, we have finally managed to get my brother Dan to play bass guitar with us so we have been learning a few songs together.

Friday, May 1, 2009

One Sentence

Today I found the website One Sentence. A place where anyone can submit one sentence true stories to be published on the site. I find it a nice challenge to sum up life events with one sentence and enjoyed reading others' submissions.