Wednesday, November 21, 2007

the effects of light

I picked out this book from the library because I liked the cover. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was also very well written. And even more surprised to find that it had something new and different from what I have read before. The Effects of Light by Miranda Beverly-Whittmore my current favorite.

It is about the lives of two sisters, Myla and Prudence, who are raised by their father David, and his friends. From their childhood to their adolescence they are the subjects of one photographer. These photos become very controversial, but the girls are sheltered from the contention until it comes to them. The story is told from both girl's perspective, and somewhat from the father's. It explores the origin and importance of art and its effect on all of our lives. It discusses ideas about art that I hadn't considered before, and I find fascinating.

Miranda Beverly-Whittemore's Webpage

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