Friday, May 16, 2008

We went to the Seattle Public Theatre on Greenlake yesterday night to see Spokesong and we were disappointed. The actors weren't stellar and were either unable to pull off the the play well out of inept ability or the play was written badly. First, Spokesong didn't have very complex plot and was predictable. Second, it took half the show for us to figure out that the main character was having flashbacks! Third, one actor was playing several different characters and it was just sloppy, besides that he was just too loud for such a small theater.

I suppose we have been to several plays there and this is the first to dissapoint. And truly it did have some high points.

We did have a nice dinner (I made seafood ciopinno, artichokes and french bread - the first time I have cooked in ages!) and a pretty drive down to Seattle.

image is from

Sunday, May 11, 2008

walkin at the park


Mom and Dad (Teresa's) recently acquired two singles and a double kayak. We took them out today off the Illahee dock on the Sound.

Dad helping Dan get the skirt on.

There are some huge houses on the water.
Poki is quite the trooper.
Since Jeff and I were sharing the double and I was sitting behind him I didn't have the chance of a great photo.

Poki got wet some.

Dan looked to be having some frustration getting used to the kayak.

The train.

This hill is even steeper than it looks in the photo.


My friend Emily and her boyfriend Kris came down for dinner and I designed this awesome veggie plate for the occasion. There are no bounds for my creative genius! ;)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

life preservation

While looking for a pfd (personal flotation device) I came across this image. Be sure to check out the original posting here.

I hope it makes you laugh too. :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

whidbey island

For his birthday Jeff wanted to explore Whidbey Island, so after a huge breakfast at Patty's Eggnest we got on the ferry.

We drove up to Langley (this is the view from the hill behind the town).
To Fort Casey

After being fired this gun swings back and down so that it can't be seen from the sound. So it looks like this:
There were a few places in the bunkers that were a little too scary to go into (pitch black concrete rooms). This was one of them...On Saturday we had a few people over for cake and games.
Notice Jeff's birthday present for him...hehe :)
yowza!'The cake!