Monday, May 5, 2008

whidbey island

For his birthday Jeff wanted to explore Whidbey Island, so after a huge breakfast at Patty's Eggnest we got on the ferry.

We drove up to Langley (this is the view from the hill behind the town).
To Fort Casey

After being fired this gun swings back and down so that it can't be seen from the sound. So it looks like this:
There were a few places in the bunkers that were a little too scary to go into (pitch black concrete rooms). This was one of them...On Saturday we had a few people over for cake and games.
Notice Jeff's birthday present for him...hehe :)
yowza!'The cake!


Neisha said...

happy belated birthday Jeff! love the shirt

Camerons said...

Great shirt! Very cool cake! Wish we could have been there. xoxo

Laura said...

Hey- happy birthday, Jeff- the pictures of the cake are great and the eating of it was even better:) Had a great time.

tbdch said...

Love the shirt and cake! Can't wait to see you!

Chris - Laura said...

that cake is awesome!!