Why do people have kids? Is it because children make a family feel complete? Because they add to the overall love quota? Is is a basic human instinct to propitiate the human race? Or is it a lesson in flagellation? (Hehe.)
Of course I have thought about having kids, but it would completely change our lives. Financially, physically and emotionally (no specific order there). There must be positives to it since so many people have kids. I even want them sometimes - but I can never put my finger on why, other than (occasionally) the idea makes me all fuzzy inside.
Although this doesn't apply to adoption - I only feel fuzzy about that little Tereffrey that would be running around. Maybe it's about possession and creative pride - 'I made that kid.'
Hm. Well, any thoughts?
Hummmmm yes to all of your mussings.
We had kids so that we could take them to the beach and watch them run in the surf and build sandcastles with them. I also thought Trevor needed someone to play legos with. I had no desire to have a baby but lots of desire to have children and grown children even. The most wonderful part of it all though is I loved Trevor as a husband and best friend but something about seeing him as a Daddy is the best of all. Take your time, it isn't all roses but it is all worth it and such a life change, you aren't kidding! Oh and thank goodness the babies grow into children:)
I agree with Belinda. Life changes a lot when you add children but don't rush into having kids. Take a few years for just the two of you. As much as I love my kids, I some times wish we had waited more then 3 years to have kids
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