Sunday, December 23, 2007

clamming at Pacific Beach

This is what we were looking for, a depressed (but not suicidal) hole.
Then we (those who were strong enough - namely not Teresa) used the 'gun' to tube down around the clam.

Pull the gun up and voila (or not so voila) there is a clam.
Then you wash it off in the water.When you don't smash it with the gun, you are happy. And you put it in the bucket with the other dying (or dead, smashed) clams.There are holes like this all over the ground.And birds flying about looking for the discards.

Lindsey pushing around the empty stroller.

Getting Rebecca to laugh!

Rebecca was ditched, the woes of being latched into the stroller.
Making use of the romantic atmosphere (seagulls, fish smell....)Our crew:The sun, setting.


Justin said...

Great pics....liked the little clam digging lesson. And those look much better than geoducks!

Laura said...

Hey- Great pictures..looks like a wonderful time! Happy new year!

ScubaGirl said...

Awesome pictures - now I know how to go clam digging. Got Clams?

Jen, Travis and Kids said...

Awesome pics! So fun to see where you guys are!