Wednesday, October 8, 2008

fall beginnings

I baked my first apple pies which of course made Jeff proud. He loves it when I bake. :)

We had a wild wind storm, which was rather fun. I took that time to run outside with the camera and take pictures and prune some stuff. Maybe not the smartest idea I've had, but it was fun being blown around.
As you can see, our table and chairs were blown across the yard - luckily none of them down the ravine...

So not only did I make apple pie, but I made cheesecake (something I don't even like - you're very welcome Jeffrey). So I was posing for the 'perfect little home maker' photo. I don't usually have such an insipid smile on my face, I assure you...but I was feeling a bit abused. :)


Neisha said...

the pie and the cheesecake look great. i hate making pies and only make one a year. apple pie. plus my M-I-L makes excellent pies and I can't compete

Darin, Jean, Samson & Sydney said...

Love the perfect little homemaker dress!! And wish I could have been there for a bite of that pie - YUMM. We miss you in our mtg...looking forward to your next visit.