Thursday, February 12, 2009

i had to share before i ruin it, again.

I am working on a very simple shrug. Or so I supposed before I started. The idea was to knit a rectangular panel with a design down the middle, then connect the ends into sleeves. However, I can't pick a simple design for the life of me! I am too fond of complex looking stuff. So I adventured on the long journey that is this design: I realized quickly that when I make mistakes in the design stitches (my most common being somehow dropping stitches), I'm not very clever at fixing it. So I have had to rip it out a couple times. Of course my lack of patience by nature doesn't help in this process - ie, I actually threw a little bit of a tantrum the second time I couldn't fix something, and um... threw my knitting across the room... :/ But finally I managed to finish the sixteen rows that are the pattern. I decided that I had better take a picture, or no one will believe I could do it, least of all me.
Now I hope to be able to do this for another 20 inches.


Camerons said...


Chris - Laura said...


Ok so a couple things...

1. Did you join If not, RUN! Go! Do it NOW!

2. Do you know how to use lifelines? If not, let me know... they're lifesavers... used mostly for lace, but I like to use them on projects I'm not all that confident in.

3. What's your e-mail addy? I'll send you a copy of the easy way of picking up dropped stitches. I hate those things too, but finally committed to fixing them instead of ripping out my projects because I wouldn't have ever finished anything ;)

4. Looks beautiful already!!

Teresa said...

1 - I did, but I don't get it. I mean I'm not sure why it is so great, maybe I haven't explored it enough

2 - lifelines? hmm...I have no idea what they are, so I'm assuming I don't know how to use them.

3 - I will send you a message through fb

4 - thanks!!

DoRe' said...

Wow, Teresa; I'm impressed!

Rebekah Hamon said...

That looks so great. don't think about the whole 20 inches - just do one at a time. I have two projects going so when I get sick of one, I move to the other and vice versa.
I hear your sister is moving to Seattle?