Wednesday, February 18, 2009

our unusually busy weekend

Jeff very sneakily left work early to go buy me flowers without my knowing. I made chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate cake which we had after an awesome meal at one of our favorites - Lanna Thai.
and I got a little picture happy :)

We drove up to Silver Lake to meet a bunch of friends and on the way stopped by the river property that my grandma and aunt own. The amount of mole hills was surprising.

The river is fairly easy to cross these days.

Once we got to Silver Lake we had to go out since it was frozen over. Of course we had to ignore/avoid a few signs that warned us not to. (But it was safe, mom, really!)

A large crack in the ice...

Part of the lake that we didn't venture onto.

Once everyone showed up we had a fun time chatting, playing games etc. Sarah and Kateen made everyone valentines, which were very impressive.

We met up for meeting and a potluck at Gerald and Angela's.

Then we drove to the boardwalk and strolled enjoying the rare sunny day.

Laura, Jolyn, Krindee, Rian, Kim

Becca, Jolyn and Krindee

We drove up to Mt Baker and went hiking.

Jill and Toriana

Mr. Trunky, Becca and Kateen

Laura and Craig




1 comment:

Chris - Laura said...

fun fun fun! i could use a little outside adventure right about now.