Friday, October 19, 2007

hope for joy

As a newborn babe I am impotent.
I struggle to have just a little strength.
I grasp at clouds of hope.
Pleading for stability.

At times I gain a little understanding,
I learn how to be gloriously happy.
But after a few short days
I have forgotten again.

Each time I sigh, I lose still more
Of the hope I had gathered to me.
I am soaked to the skin in my own tears.
The theft leaves me trembling.

I cannot withstand the gravity
And I fall to the earth
Where after a time,
I gather the courage to try again.

I begin my search once more for hope
I find that within the depths of madness,
There lies a better understanding,
That the deepest sorrow, can birth beautiful joy.


Anonymous said...

nicely constructed, but it your first line states you're a newborn babe, which makes the depressed overtone not work very well for me as a reader. Newborns are not depressed at all. They are the most demanding little people on the earth. To them, everyone exists to meet their needs. A newborn strength is it's ability to cry out for its needs. A newborn's joy is security when those needs are met. A newborn only sighs in contentment. BUT...that is only my take on it. I personally have found babies to be very emotionally strong, it seems to me that it is only as we grow older and physically stronger that we become more emotionally weak.
I think it's great that you're taking time to write's been years since I've sat down to write one.
love, m.

Anonymous said...

The first 4 verses I like and understand and can identify with... the last one I get lost in.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the feedback. when i wrote this (which was in about a half hour time) i didn't mean for it to seem that it was all as a newborn's perspective. I was using the newborn as a image of weakness, because they are unable to do for themselves. I will have to rewrite to fix that.
As to the last verse, maybe only I can understand it. I will try to explain: in my experience with depression I have gotten so deep into irrational-ism (madness) that sometimes I feel lost, until I get a glimpse of why I am so depressed, of what is going on. Then I have a little understanding of how I got so far down, and how to avoid/change it in the future. The second part, is just a continuation of the first. It is really sad to be depressed (it is an on-going cycle) but now that Jeff is here with me, even with my hate of my life he is able to show me the joy of life. Maybe that makes sense. I dont know. :)