Others have done this, and I thought it a wonderful idea, so here is a list of things that I am thankful for (in no particular order):
1. The occasional sunny day that brilliantly offsets the rain and gloom (today)
2. Jeff who adores me and who is my life
3. Parents who live close enough that we can crash their place for weekends and vice versa
4. This one is a little dreary, but I am thankful I can function fairly well most days
5. Friends who want to hang out with me, for hours
6. Family who love me and are proud of me because I'm me
7. Although I am sometimes annoyed of this, I am also thankful that I have a bad memory...I tend to have more optimism that way (I can't remember the bad stuff!)
8. That I have talents in so many areas
9. For the conviction I have in the things I believe, about whats right, about God
10. That I have dreams and goals (that are attainable)