Saturday, November 1, 2008

SOLD!! ford ranger for sale


Isabel is a 1994 Ford Ranger with a king cab and canopy. She is a 2 wheel drive, 4 cylinder, 5 speed. Her windshield was replaced about 1.5 years ago, as well as her radiator. She is newly tabbed and has new license plates. She has 104,000 miles on her, of which I put on half. Not so bad for a middle-aged lady. After many reliable years, my gorgeous truck is again on the market, as we really don't need three vehicles. Isabel has been in the family since 2002, when we bought her from an old woman whose husband had kept her in great condition.

Of course since then, Isabel and I have gotten into a few scrapes. Like when I backed her into my grandparents RV. Luckily that incident only caused minor butt damage.
Or when I was trying to park in the tiny slots at the community college and got hung up on another car, but that only caused a few scratches (which look worse than they are because of the leaves reflected in Isabela's newly washed hide).
The only annoying thing is that the canopy door doesn't stay open anymore.


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