Sunday, November 30, 2008

one room down, # to go

This past month I have spent helping my mom redecorate a room I had totaled during my tween phase of loving panda bears. I put a horrendous green on the walls and border wallpaper. Mom wanted to keep the room the 'panda' room, so I compromised by repainting the walls with murals of bamboo jungle. After getting only two walls finished I was quite sick of painting bamboo but I managed to finish just before I went crazy. Meanwhile Mom stripped all the paint off the dresser, which now looks great!


Mochas, Mountains and Moby Wraps said...

Wow, nice work!!! I'm so envious of you creative types! =)

Camerons said...

very cool!

Neisha said...

oohhh, I like!

Teresa said...

thanks! it's fun...I may have to find more people that need walls painted to fill my craving - doesn't make sense to paint while renting!

Marianne Bryan said...

looks great Teresa-B! :) ALthough I have to admit I was the one to paint the dresser white to begin with...I was sooo tired of the brown dresser. :) M