Friday, January 30, 2009

last night i kept waking up with sharp chest pain...

on my sternum and right side rib cartilage. Every time I moved or took more than a shallow breath, I had sharp pain in my chest and shoulder. This morning after some palpation I realized that a few of my ribs are poking out, and others depressed (for lack of better description) further than the other side of my ribcage. So I decided that I should look it up, see what it may be -- if I should actually consider seeing a doctor.....And surprise, surprise this is the article I found:

"Costochondritis: A Painful Problem
The chest pain associated with fibromyalgia is referred to as costochondritis. It is an inflammation of the cartilage that joins the ribs to the chest bone. It is this inflammation that causes the sharp chest pains inside the chest wall. The pain of costochondritis often mimics the pain of cardiac problems, including heart attacks and stroke. This can be quite scary for some sufferers; however, costochondiritis rarely causes any physical complications.

Costochondritis affects about 60% to 70% of fibromyalgia sufferers. Costochondritis in women is particularly common, especially in women between the ages of 20 and 40. Costochondritis rib pain can last for weeks and even months, and can reappear at different intervals throughout your illness. Costochondritis can also affect those who don’t have fibromyalgia and is often a result of chest trauma or exercise-related injury. In fact, it is thought that about 10% of the general population has costochondiritis.

Where does Costochondritis Hit?
Costochondritis affects the junction between the ribs and the chest bone, also called the sternum. 7 bits of cartilage attach your ribs to your sternum, and costochondiritis causes this cartilage to become inflamed and sore. If you have costochondiritis, you will be able to feel pain upon movement of your upper torso or when you touch your ribs. Most commonly, pain is felt on the left side of your chest, though chest pains on the right side, or even on both sides, can occur.

Any one of the 7 cartilage junction points can be affected by costochondiritis. 90% of people with costochondritis suffer from more than just 1 inflamed cartilage junction point. In severe costochondritis, all 7 cartilage junction points can be inflamed. This inflammation causes pain on the anterior (front) chest wall, which can be felt when you move and when you palpate your ribs. Typically, the second to fifth ribs are affected, though it is also common for the sixth rib to be affected.

What Does Costochondritis Pain Feel Like?
Costochondritis pain is often described as a stabbing or aching pain in the ribs. This pain can wax and wane: some days it will be worse, while other days it will be much better. The sharp pain caused by costochondritis generally begins in the chest. This pain can then radiate outwards, attacking the shoulders, neck, and upper abdomen. Costochondritis pain can last for long periods of time and chronic costochondritis is not uncommon. However, most pain should be gone within 6 months to a year from the onset of symptoms."

--here is the website

Oh just lovely. Another symptom associated with fibromyalgia that is basically untreatable. Just take ibuprofen, but oh wait, I already do that every day, and it doesn't help any of the other symptoms. Almost invariably when I wonder about some random pain, when I go to look it up, it is just one more fibromyalgia symptom. I can not wait until the day someone finally figures out the cause for this syndrome, and then maybe a cure. I don't have any hope that it will be during my lifetime.

And of course there is this statement: "It is important that if you are experiencing any type of chest pain that you immediately consult a physician in order to correctly diagnose the nature of the pain." Sorry I am done with Drs, I am done wasting money.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

i was going through some old photos...

a mask I made
halloween one year
with my parrot:

Monday, January 26, 2009

i love calling him husband

  • What is his name? Jeff
  • How long did you date? 6 months; started dating 3.18.06, engaged 9.2.06, married 3.17.07
  • How long have you been married? 2 years in March
  • Who eats more sweets? he does
  • Who said I love you first? I think I prodded him to say it first
  • Who is taller? him...6'4"
  • Who is a better singer? me...although he may be great - if he actually sang. :)
  • Who is smarter? us, together. two heads are better than one.
  • Who does the laundry? mostly me, but he helps out sometimes
  • Who pays the bills? me
  • Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? him most of the time
  • Who mows the lawn? both of us
  • Who cooks dinner? him. I do the baking.
  • Who drives? majority is him, until I get a craving to be behind the wheel
  • Who is more stubborn? ....stubborn who us? nah...
  • Who kissed who first? he kissed me
  • Who asked who out? he asked me and I told him no...later that day I changed my mind.
  • Who is more sensitive? well I show it more, he controls it better - but probably pretty equal.
  • Who wears the pants? what an odd question. a better question would be, who wears the skirts? and that would rarely be me.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

26 random things about T

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

Disclaimer: I wasn't actually tagged, but several people were doing it on facebook, and it looked like fun. :)

  1. We name our cars, currently we have Forest and Beatrice. We just sold Isabela.
  2. I really like leg warmers, I wear them with skirts which looks tacky.
  3. I get nauseous easy at certain smells. Sometimes randomly - something that was just fine yesterday, does me in today. Loud sounds do it too.
  4. I don't shave. Keeps my legs warmer. ;) Actually shaving (and even Nair) irritates my skins so I've quit. And it always was a bother.
  5. Jeff does all the cooking while I do all the cleaning and baking. A fairly sweet set-up.
  6. I am very close to my momma. We talk on the phone often, and if we are out of town - we are probably at her house.
  7. I have four rather large scars resulting from being stitched up. One from crashing on my chin when I was three, and three from surgery on my ankle and calves.
  8. I worry about Jeff dying a lot. Mostly at night when he is already asleep and I know he will be gone to work by the time I wake up.
  9. I get some of my best ideas for writing in my dreams. One time I even composed a song for the piano -- unfortunately I didn't immediate get up to play it so I lost it.. :/
  10. There are several people I think of as kindred spirits, but I don't really know them...and don't have the guts to get to know them.
  11. I have always wanted to have green eyes and auburn hair. I don't know why. Instead I have hazel eyes and brown hair (with red highlights). ;)
  12. I get bored very easy. I always have. I don't like doing the same thing for very long. I don't like being in the same place for very long. I'm a little worried about that for that day sometime in the future when we buy a house.
  13. I hate shopping. Trying on clothes, walking on concrete, spending loads of money, finding tons of stuff that doesn't fit right, or does and is too expensive - not my idea of a good time.
  14. I love books. Just having shelves full gives me a happy feeling. I re-read books, several times over....and do it again. I can't go to sleep unless I read for an hour or two.
  15. I am good at a lot of things, but excellent at nothing (well very little). I am well rounded - the bane of my existence.
  16. I like antiques. Not the cutesy pastel stuff. The wrought iron, worn wood, colored glass sort of antiques. I like old stuff.
  17. I'm happy staying home. Occasionally I think about traveling to other countries, but I don't have the motivation. It seems like a lot of work. Besides I am perfectly happy just going to Hawaii.
  18. I love words. I especially love reading the Bible because of the many places that the words (even through translation) are so powerful. Blunt, but with elegance. I aspire to be that sort of writer.
  19. I had no clue what marriage would be like. It is so much better than I thought.
  20. I am tied up trying to figure out if I want to have kids. They are so much work, yet I realize that they can add to your love. And then there is no getting past that I would be the one pregnant...lovely being the woman.
  21. Yup, I married a man 12 years older than me. I hardly even think about it anymore.
  22. I have an opinion about most things. Sometimes well thought through, sometimes on the fly. I am working on looking at things from other perspectives.
  23. I am slightly superstitious. I am careful not to hope hard for anything - in case that causes it not to happen. I talk pessimistic when really I'm secretly hoping for the best.
  24. When I'm sad, I'm very sad. When I'm happy, I'm exuberant. I don't have a medium.
  25. I wish I were closer to my siblings, because when it comes right down to it, friends come in and out of my life, but family is stuck with me.
  26. I am a bit of an organization freak. I'm happy when things are clean, put away, ordered. If my house is messy then I can't think, my mind feels cluttered. Although it should be noted that this doesn't apply to other peoples' houses. Also that my 'ordered' may be different than someone elses... :)

I think it would be fun it other people did this - it is fun learning random things you never knew about people...

Friday, January 23, 2009

apparently i have a lot to share today

so for post #3 today, I recommend a book.

The Garden Angel: A Novel The Garden Angel: A Novel by Mindy Friddle

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book explores the limitations set on people by fear. Irrational fear based on the acceptance of one's inadequacies and failures. The character Elizabeth suffers from an anxiety disorder that doesn't allow her a simple trip to the grocery store. She has trouble forcing herself out of the house into her yard let alone into the work place. She cannot get the concentration and motivation to finish her dissertation. While I don't suffer from a mental condition, but rather a physical one, I felt like this story could be written about me. I love the determination that made her face her fears, and while her condition didn't cease to exist, she overcame it.

View all my reviews.

i forgot about these

Pictures from new year's eve were still in the camera:

so much fog

The weather has been fairly nasty. I haven't been warm in a while. And everything broke. The microwave, lawnmower (well it broke a while ago), fridge, dryer... So our landlord who is in Italy is trying to fix everything via his dad - it is slow going. All this assures me that I can wait to own a house and prolong the responsibility of fixing everything that goes wrong. I am looking forward to moving back into a snug little apartment with just a few things to make it home. :)

So with the bad weather, Laura's prompting and mom's guidance (and supplies) I have begun to knit. I have finished two scarves and have started a third. I even bought some fancy yarn to start another more complicated project, but it is still sitting in the bag, awaiting my confidence.

Here is to one long piece of nothing that can be fantastically made into something useful. Whoever came up with knitting had a fabulous imagination.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

plans made, trips to be taken

Jan: hurry to get taxes filed
Feb: finish applications for schools/financial aid
March: drive down to San Francisco for Matt's wedding
April: find out for sure if I am going to Western
May: fly to Wisconsin for Courtney's graduation (we just bought the tickets tonight!)
June: rent the largest u-haul to be had and move to Bellingham
June/July: possible trip to Pittsburgh to help Marianne get ready to move back to WA
August: figure out all the necessary stuff of being in a new town
September: start school
Sept 2009-June 2011: study, study, study, study :)

Bring it on!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

what human invention are you the most grateful for?

MOM(Ms. Literal Pants): 1) sewing machines - "we would still be stitching our own clothes by hand!" 2) artificial heat - "we don't have to rely on the sun for heat" (Although I think this just makes us suffer the injustice of living here rather than Hawaii!!!!!)
DAD: printing press - "those scribes would be cramping up"
JEFF: electricity - "otherwise there wouldn't be electric guitars"
ME: 1) libraries - "free knowledge, can't get any better than that!" 2) indoor plumbing "although there are some really cool looking outhouses"

Friday, January 2, 2009

pt. defiance zoo & zoolights

The story here is that the tiger first glared into my eyes from behind the glass, then turned suddenly, stood on his hind legs and peed on the glass right where I was (or used to be..even with the glass I scrambled out of there!).

L & R checking out the otters.

We spent a long time at the carousel, I used the 'burst' option to get the photos. I have a whole collection of photos that could be made into a movie now. :)

If I had ridden, I would have nabbed the zebra...

The 'Lovers Tub'. It was also in the carousel house, we got dizzy spinning 'round.

The purple tree is my favorite every time we go. This is how people should do trees (not necessarily these colors however)
Taking a break in the aquarium. It was really cold still.
Watching the sharks.
Dancing around the fire: