Sunday, January 25, 2009

26 random things about T

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

Disclaimer: I wasn't actually tagged, but several people were doing it on facebook, and it looked like fun. :)

  1. We name our cars, currently we have Forest and Beatrice. We just sold Isabela.
  2. I really like leg warmers, I wear them with skirts which looks tacky.
  3. I get nauseous easy at certain smells. Sometimes randomly - something that was just fine yesterday, does me in today. Loud sounds do it too.
  4. I don't shave. Keeps my legs warmer. ;) Actually shaving (and even Nair) irritates my skins so I've quit. And it always was a bother.
  5. Jeff does all the cooking while I do all the cleaning and baking. A fairly sweet set-up.
  6. I am very close to my momma. We talk on the phone often, and if we are out of town - we are probably at her house.
  7. I have four rather large scars resulting from being stitched up. One from crashing on my chin when I was three, and three from surgery on my ankle and calves.
  8. I worry about Jeff dying a lot. Mostly at night when he is already asleep and I know he will be gone to work by the time I wake up.
  9. I get some of my best ideas for writing in my dreams. One time I even composed a song for the piano -- unfortunately I didn't immediate get up to play it so I lost it.. :/
  10. There are several people I think of as kindred spirits, but I don't really know them...and don't have the guts to get to know them.
  11. I have always wanted to have green eyes and auburn hair. I don't know why. Instead I have hazel eyes and brown hair (with red highlights). ;)
  12. I get bored very easy. I always have. I don't like doing the same thing for very long. I don't like being in the same place for very long. I'm a little worried about that for that day sometime in the future when we buy a house.
  13. I hate shopping. Trying on clothes, walking on concrete, spending loads of money, finding tons of stuff that doesn't fit right, or does and is too expensive - not my idea of a good time.
  14. I love books. Just having shelves full gives me a happy feeling. I re-read books, several times over....and do it again. I can't go to sleep unless I read for an hour or two.
  15. I am good at a lot of things, but excellent at nothing (well very little). I am well rounded - the bane of my existence.
  16. I like antiques. Not the cutesy pastel stuff. The wrought iron, worn wood, colored glass sort of antiques. I like old stuff.
  17. I'm happy staying home. Occasionally I think about traveling to other countries, but I don't have the motivation. It seems like a lot of work. Besides I am perfectly happy just going to Hawaii.
  18. I love words. I especially love reading the Bible because of the many places that the words (even through translation) are so powerful. Blunt, but with elegance. I aspire to be that sort of writer.
  19. I had no clue what marriage would be like. It is so much better than I thought.
  20. I am tied up trying to figure out if I want to have kids. They are so much work, yet I realize that they can add to your love. And then there is no getting past that I would be the one pregnant...lovely being the woman.
  21. Yup, I married a man 12 years older than me. I hardly even think about it anymore.
  22. I have an opinion about most things. Sometimes well thought through, sometimes on the fly. I am working on looking at things from other perspectives.
  23. I am slightly superstitious. I am careful not to hope hard for anything - in case that causes it not to happen. I talk pessimistic when really I'm secretly hoping for the best.
  24. When I'm sad, I'm very sad. When I'm happy, I'm exuberant. I don't have a medium.
  25. I wish I were closer to my siblings, because when it comes right down to it, friends come in and out of my life, but family is stuck with me.
  26. I am a bit of an organization freak. I'm happy when things are clean, put away, ordered. If my house is messy then I can't think, my mind feels cluttered. Although it should be noted that this doesn't apply to other peoples' houses. Also that my 'ordered' may be different than someone elses... :)

I think it would be fun it other people did this - it is fun learning random things you never knew about people...


Neisha said...

*I love how you like leg warmers even though they look tacky. :)
*Jeff doesn't mind you not shaving? have you tried waxing? I can't stand it when my leg hairs get long enough that they itch. waxing would be too painful for me.
*I love books too. I can easily spend all day reading.
*I would LOVE to go to Hawaii!
*Kids are great and a wonderful blessing but they are also a permanent fixture in your life.
*I'm an organized person too but a messy house doesn't bother me. Messy in the sense of dirty floors, dusty tables, etc.

I enjoyed reading about you.

Teresa said...

Well, Jeff might mind, but I don't listen (besides he isn't the one having to deal with the major itch issue)! I'm too lazy and frugal to spend money on waxing - and it sounds like it hurts.